H Y G I E I A - S A N

Protect with Science & Care


Centrego Flow Series
40, 120, 200, 400, 600, 1000 and 1,200

Hypochlorous Disinfectant Generator

Centrego Flow Series

40, 120, 200, 400, 600, 1000 and 1,200

Membrane cell systems

Active substances: Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) from anode and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) from cathode

Outputs options: 40ls/hr, 120ls/hr, 200ls/hr, 400ls/hr, 600ls/hr, 1000ls/hr and 1,200ls/hr

Concentrations: 500ppm HOCl

HOCl pH 7.2, NaOH pH10.5

Salt consumption: 2gm/l


Membrane cell system

Active substances: Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) from anode and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) from cathode

Outputs options: 40ls/hr

Concentrations: 400-500ppm HOCl

HOCl pH 6.5-7.2

Salt consumption: 3gm/l

Suitable for large facilities, cruise ships and industrial processes. Range of ancillary equipment for solution storage, dispensing and dosing. All in one portable solution for ECA production.

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