H Y G I E I A - S A N

Protect with Science & Care

More About Us

Why Did We Choose The Name Hygieia-San?

Why the name Hygieia-San Hygieia (or Hygeia) was the ancient Greek goddess of health and cleanliness. She gave her name to the philosophy of hygiene.

The cult of Hygeia started in Athens in the 600s BCE, in connection with the cult of Athene, goddess of wisdom and purity. Statues of Athene and Hygeia stood at the entrance to the Acropolis temple in Athens.

Hygeia was a young goddess, daughter and chief attendant to Asklepios, the god of medicine. She was in charge of cleanliness and how to live a long life. San of course means to free surfaces from dirt, bacteria and viruses,by cleaning or sterilising. Hence out brand name “HYGIEIA-SAN”

Join Us?

We only sell products through our distributors

We operate in many countries and have offices in UK, India and Canada. We are looking for key distributors or resellers, so please get in touch.

How we work ?

As mentioned, we do not sell direct to clients, we operate our business through distributors who have experience in their market sector and country.

  • Full Support
  • Only Training
  • Visits to Distributors & Clients
  • Full media support
  • Dedicated Account Manager


Supporting Our Distributors?

We do not sell directly to clients and appoint key distributors


We do not sell direct, but appoint key distributors who have market sector & country experience

Expert Training

We provide professional training on all market sectors to suit our distributor's business


We have extensive supporting material and videos which will be made available to you

Ongoing Support

We will work with you and your clients to help build your business and development of clients