H Y G I E I A - S A N

Protect with Science & Care

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UNIQUE FEATURES HUWA-SAN FOGGER 3D WITH INBUILT AIR SCRUBBER FOR FAST ROOM RENTRY The Huwa-San Fogger 3D contains multiple interesting features to simplify the disinfection process and take the rooms faster in-use. » Robust encasing manufactured out of environmental friendly polymer with a firm grip handle. » 7 inch user-friendly resistive LCD touch screen. » The built in scrubber unit (i.e. active carbon filters) is able to reduce the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration to safe levels, resulting in a faster release of the disinfected room. » The interaction between the RFID1-labelled bottle and RFID reader assures only Huwa-San is nebulised. » Via the RFID1-labelled bottles the user sees how much liquid is still present in the bottle and the room size that still can be disinfected. » Wireless connection with the RF Remote Control to start or stop the Huwa-San Fogger 3D from a safe distance. » Integrated memory which is able to memorise the following data: user, location, room size, time and date. » Easy maintenance: Pop-up screen will inform the operator if the Active Carbon Filters need to be replaced. » Standard nebulisation at 7 mL/mÑ with intermittent fogging procedure.


The Huwa-San Fogger range contains solid, reliable and easy-to-use nebulisers for disinfection. The range enables its users to disinfect non-invasive medical devices and equipment in a quick and safe way. The Huwa-San Fogger range uses Huwa-San (stabilised hydrogen peroxide) as disinfectant, which meets the highest EN disinfection standards for bactericides, fungicides, virucides, sporicides and mycobactericides. Huwa-San is also available as a ready-to-use disinfectant, ideally suitable to spray or immerse materials.